Bath Township Firefighter/Paramedics Curtis Yetman and Kevin Markward have obtained their certification as Hazmat – Weapons of Mass Destruction Technicians.
The class was conducted at the Shawnee Township Fire Department in Lima, Ohio.
Hazardous Materials Technician is a five-day course that prepares Operations-level responders for Technician-level Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) certification. This 40-hour course, based on NFPA 1072: Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications and NFPA 472 standards, provides participants with HAZMAT-specific response knowledge and skills, enabling them to respond safely and effectively to a suspected incident at the hazardous materials technician level.
They received hands-on training in donning and doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Levels A and B, containing leaks and drum over-packing, containing leaks in pressurized containers, and performing technical and mass decontamination. The course culminated with performance of these offensive-level tasks in which they applied the knowledge and skills learned in a simulated HAZMAT environment.
Yetman began his career at Bath Township in August of 2016 and Markward was hired in May of 2018. Both will now serve as Hazmat Technicians on the Allen County Hazmat Team.
Contact person: Chief Joseph Kitchen (419) 221-0550
Click to download press release .PDF –Media Release Hazmat 2019